Saturday, September 03, 2005

The advantages of low expectations

I was completely prepared for my room this year to suck. It's in an un-airconditioned building with one bathroom per floor, no lounges and no kitchens. In fact, I was so prepared for it to be awful that I was pleasantly surprised to find it downright livable. Unless my neighbor (I've only got one as I live next to a stairwell) is really loud and obnoxious life should be ok. Here's a quick summary of my new cell's... oops, I mean room's... defining characteristics:

  • Dimensions: ~6' x 18'

  • View: into the law library, but can also see sky without sticking head out window

  • Light: western exposure, hours of direct sunlight in the afternoon

  • Floor: Tile... my feet will freeze in February, but at least I have no more damp, foul-smelling, mysteriously stained carpet

  • Light: as I sit, I could read a book or make tiny solder joints or tinker with computer hardware without turning on a light

  • TV: Gets reception. Hooray! I'll be able to watch West Wing episodes when they air instead of two months afterwards

  • Utilities: have two ethernet jacks! I lack only a second ethernet capable computer.

  • Utilities (cont.): Sink. This might have been annoying, but it's a nice sink. It will partially make up for the single coed bathroom on this floor

  • Light!! Did I mention I can tell what the weather is doing without checking online?

At some point this weekend I may try to put up pictures. I will try to restrain myself and not make a time-lapse movie of the sunlight traveling across my walls as I realize such a movie would be utterly uninteresting to people who have and take sunlight for granted and unspeakably cruel to anyone who doesn't. :-)


Blogger chrisarts said...

I think only one of those ethernet jacks works : (


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