Sunday, September 04, 2005

It's now official

I'm moved in. My stuff is unpacked and organized, there are iced teas in my fridge (no food yet, but that will be remedied momentarily). My room is clean. For the last time before May. I bought two books this morning to the tune of $242. Fun.

Anyway, I've got a day and a half of freedom and I'm enjoying the things I missed about the city while I was away: my friends, huge lists of potential recreational activities, relative independence, absence of tree pollen, immediate access to my checking account, Central Park, etc. With the nice weather and all I'm in such a good mood that I'm not even going to complain about the single-ply toilet paper or the Wein showers (which are roughly equivalent to having buckets of water dumped onto one's head from 30'... apparently no one has seen fit to replace the showerheads since 1924), or the exposed pipes all over the place, or the paint fumes in my room which become overpowering after an hour of having the window and/or door closed, or, oh wait, I said I wasn't going to complain, didn't I? Sorry about that.


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