Sunday, February 05, 2006

Controllable rage: a week in review

I haven't posted much recently for lack of things to post about. However, several friends have started making fun of my perpetually angry away messages. And in addition, the beginning of this week left me wondering whether one can voluntarily take anger management classes, or if one needs to secure a court order to enroll. So here's a day-by-day breakdown of the nearly insurmountable barriers to my having a cheerful, low blood pressure week.

Monday: I have to do German homework in an online workbook. This is the online workbook that goes with the textbook I paid >$150 for. The awesome thing about it, is that for my $156 or whatever it was I get access to the online workbook for 18 months. So, unlike a paper workbook which I could have to use as a reference for the rest of my life I will only have this one until I graduate. If I want to use it after that I will have to pay $34 per year. The other awesome things are related to the web design... It doesn't play nicely with Firefox in Linux or even Firefox in Windows. I have to use Explorer. Also, it requires enabling Java and JavaScript (both of which I disabled after the fits I threw about the Art Hum website last spring).

After calming myself and rebooting my computer I have to go to work... At the theatre I introduce myself to a house manager who, after more than a semester, still has no clue who I am and doesn't know what to do when I report that a patron wants a large print program. (Hint: it involves thirty seconds and the enlarge feature on the copy machine)

Tuesday: Work on programming homework. In Java. Which is a pointlessly bloated language in which everything has already been done by someone else and you have to sort through the monstrous API to figure out where. I will spare anyone still reading my complaints with the API web design.

Wednesday: Work at the theatre again. For the taping of some PBS program involving the business school. From 4pm-8pm... in the <50 degree lobby... without dinner. Apparently there *was* left-over food in the green room, but the crew people (whose experience was probably at least as hellish as mine, but less hypo[thermia/glycemia]-inducing) and my boss and others didn't offer to share it. I spend another five hours attempting to trick my German workbook into cooperating.

Thursday: Laughed at for away messages describing previous three days of frustration. By afternoon I am happy and calm, but the person who laughed over previous angry away messages is not online to see my happy and calm away message, thereby ruining my happy calmness.

Friday - Saturday: Both sufficiently good days that I can overlook the blatant violation of my personal space on the subway by morons who refuse to step into the center of the car or move out of the way so I can step into the center of the car.


Blogger chrisarts said...

You should whine about the lack of paper towels in our bathroom for at least a week. Someone should fix that.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least a week??? I don't think we've had paper towels since the first week of classes.
- The management


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