Juggling Festival

Five members of the Columbia juggling club and I went to Ithaca over the weekend for the 9th annual Big Red Juggling Festival. Aside from a minor detour where we got lost in South-Eastern NY (which was corrected for by driving very fast on I84 :-P) it was very cool. It was much larger than the Pratt festival last spring and there were more insanely good people there. While eating lunch outside the gym on Saturday I also got to hear some of Cornell's football game going on at the stadium down the hill. They were playing Columbia, so it wasn't surprising that they were up 32-7 at the time. Ultimately I think Columbia lost 45-7. Big surprise.
Anyway, spending the weekend outside the city was awesome. Not doing homework and juggling all day and not getting much sleep was also awesome at the time... but now it's making the week sort of blurry around the edges. I was up doing a problem set last night and nearly fell asleep in atmospheric science today. And this Thursday I'm going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter so my sleep schedule will not be recovering in the near future. Sigh... and on that note - I'm going to stop blogging and go to bed.

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