Randomness - because I have time :-D

Well, technically I still have to write a lab report. And I should do that before I forget the details of the lab... but I also had a Qauntum midterm and German test today and I'm too happy to be done with those to do anything else productive today. I found some pictures on my camera's flash card - so I'm posting those.
The first one was from several weeks ago. I think it was the same day that I was working at the theatre from 9am - 6:30pm. Anyway, I woke up at 7:30, after about four hours of sleep and this was what I found on my door. While this was not quite as scary as the time last year when my room phone awakened me at 5:30 or 6am and I realized that my roommate (who had gone out) hadn't come back... and that the phone was ringing at an ungodly early hour... it did freak me out for the 45 seconds it took to wake up enough to read it and realize it was a joke/protest of Columbia's expansion plan.
The other two are pictures of sunset from my room. I can see the sky. W00t! After living in a cave last year, I don't think I will ever get over the novelty of being able to see the sky from my room (without sticking my head out the window). :-D

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