Sunday, April 22, 2007


It's amazing what the combination of enough credits to graduate, a plan for the next few years, a recently completed APS talk, and the end of an airplane-aggravated head cold will do for one's motivation. I'm vaguely aware that I should be doing stuff.

Example: I have a comp sci assignment, the due date of which was postponed from last week to this week, that I keep meaning to start but then not starting. Part of the problem now is that last night, I remembered that we have Late Days in comp sci... and I haven't used any of mine yet. So if I don't want to, I don't actually have to write my code until Wednesday. Right.

Then I have some German reading I should do. But that will only take a few hours and can probably be done while I eat lunch tomorrow.

And I need to do laundry because I'm out of clean short-sleeved shirts and the weather is too warm for long sleeves. But it's already too late to start that today because other people will have taken over the working dryers by now.


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