Saturday, February 24, 2007


Someone needs to remind me why I'm studying physics and not exploiting my fellow human beings for fun and profit:

While doing laundry this morning I had a brilliant idea. Take a bunch of dryers that don't really work and convince people that this is intentional - they're energy efficient. Then, hopefully, you can save money for your company by not fixing them *and* instead of getting bad publicity associated with the fact that people have to spend four dollars and five hours doing a single load of laundry you get good publicity for being environmentally friendly.

Later, if I have time, I'll post a picture of what the dryer did to one of my socks. >:-(

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


So, I seem to be getting increasingly lazy about writing blog entries. Here are some random observations about recent events.

1) Work
I've been working as often as I can lately, in an effort to offset my grad school application and bartending class expenses. So I've seen a bunch of very good shows. Basically - if you ever get to hear the Fireworks Ensemble play Frank Zappa music, you should. They're f*ing amazing. Similarly, Paula West (jazz singer) made me decide that I do actually like jazz singing... among other things, she does an excellent cover of "Like a Rolling Stone."

2) Classes
What classes? Do second semester seniors take classes? Actually, I have two... sort of (on a technicality I have 5, but only 2 are "real" classes with homework and such). But I can fail everything and will still [word removed for sanity preservation], so I'm not killing myself doing the work.

3) I thought of a good comparison for situations that are likely to get out of control in horrifying ways: ____ is like playing with fire in a match factory. I don't think it's original, but I can't think of where I've heard it before. Any ideas where I would have gotten it?