Tuesday, August 29, 2006

General GREs = done!

Now I can go back to letting my vocabulary atrophy... I mean, um, become bad.

Anyway, the generous people at ETS sent me a CD with the official practice software. Last Friday. I got it yesterday. How helpful.* If anyone wants a GRE POWERPREP CD they should let me know.

While taking the test I made several observations -

1) You aren't supposed to print the "I'm not going to memorize the test questions and sell them to my cousin, blah blah blah" statement. And I don't remember how to write (wtf are capital I's supposed to look like???).
2a) It's not so cool to spend 3.5 hours reading off a screen with 400x600 resolution and a pathetically low refresh rate in a room with flourescent lights.
2b) Computer monitors should all have anti-reflective coatings.
2c) I don't have any painkillers.
3) My old IBM keyboard has destroyed my ability to type acurately on crappy new keyboards.
4) Passages should be designed to fit on a single screen or you should be able to (a) increase the resolution and/or (b) use the mouse's scroll wheel and/or (c) use the arrow keys on the keyboard (what's this crap with clicking on arrows and scroll bars? I want to take notes with my right hand, damnit).

But whatever, it's done. I will not be taking them again.

* It didn't really matter, because I downloaded said software from their website a few weeks ago. It's a waste of a perfectly good CD though.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Long Island (from a safe distance)

Ha! Behold, a mathematical demonstration that LI is worse than NJ:

1) Go to google
2) Search for new jersey sucks -- 5,630,000 hits
3) Search for long island sucks -- 5,670,000 hits

And now, since I'm still sort of studying for GREs:
(5,670,000-5,630,000)/5,630,000 = 0.0071*100
=> Long Island is ~0.71% worse than New Jersey.

[Update 8/29: Fixed spelling mistake]

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Paul Simon-mobile lives!

From the day after my last post until this afternoon I have been without a working car. It's ok though. I didn't really want to go to the bookstore or to get Indian food or to see the outlet mall before I leave LI, hopefully forever. And I did want to walk the half mile between my dorm and the physics building twice every day in 100 degree heat last week. It was fun.

Anyway, the car is finally fixed. :-D I took it to get dinner (Indian food!) tonight, and it still seems to be working. Yay.