Sunday, November 27, 2005

John Ashcroft coming to CU

The former attorney general is speaking here on Wednesday. This could prove to be interesting. The College Republican Club or someone like that has been putting up fliers for a while. (When I first saw one a few weeks ago, I thought it must have been a joke (and a pretty funny one)... but no, my friends informed me that he's actually coming to speak). Despite the fact that this is Manhattan and the residents hate him and the fact that this is Columbia and 3/4 of the students hate him. This might be interesting; and it will certainly be a gage of exactly how dead activism is on campus. I for one, although I'm obviously not a fan, will not be protesting in any way. In fact, I'm likely to forget to go and spectate while the obnoxious campus activists protest. If I do remember, I'll post pictures in a few days. Until then, I need to make up for all the work I didn't do over Thanksgiving weekend. :-P

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Almost made it

I hate (read: am unspeakably jealous of) people who have professors that cancel class on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I've never had one of them (unless you count my gym teacher this semester, but he's really nice and it's gym, so it doesn't count). Not only did my mechanics professor not cancel class, he's giving us a midterm. WTF??? I don't want to spend Thanksgiving break worried about having failed a midterm. Nor do I want to have to work my ass off tonight and tomorrow morning to avoid this fear. If I ever become a professor, I will never give my students exams right before holidays.

*Sigh* enough procrastination. I'll attempt to post interesting news sometime this weekend. :-P

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Juggling Festival

Juggling warning
Five members of the Columbia juggling club and I went to Ithaca over the weekend for the 9th annual Big Red Juggling Festival. Aside from a minor detour where we got lost in South-Eastern NY (which was corrected for by driving very fast on I84 :-P) it was very cool. It was much larger than the Pratt festival last spring and there were more insanely good people there. While eating lunch outside the gym on Saturday I also got to hear some of Cornell's football game going on at the stadium down the hill. They were playing Columbia, so it wasn't surprising that they were up 32-7 at the time. Ultimately I think Columbia lost 45-7. Big surprise.

Anyway, spending the weekend outside the city was awesome. Not doing homework and juggling all day and not getting much sleep was also awesome at the time... but now it's making the week sort of blurry around the edges. I was up doing a problem set last night and nearly fell asleep in atmospheric science today. And this Thursday I'm going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter so my sleep schedule will not be recovering in the near future. Sigh... and on that note - I'm going to stop blogging and go to bed.
The gym

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Away for the weekend

The person who programmed the elevators in Wien should be shot. When there's a car on the first floor and one on the ninth floor and I press the up button in the basement why do I have to wait for the ninth floor car? Sheesh.

Anyway, tomorrow afternoon I'm departing for Ithaca to go to the Big Red Juggling Festival. My second consecutive weekend off campus... woohoo! ::Throws bunch of stuff into the air and catches it again:: I'll take pictures until I run out of camera batteries.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Friggin finally. So now I have a long weekend to relax and I don't have any work due next week. However, week after next I've got a bunch of crap to do and I'll be in Ithaca at a juggling festival that weekend, so I am going to have to do work this week. Joy.

Anyway, I took a much needed trip off campus this evening (Friday night not spent in Pupin or Miller! Woohoo!) and ate decent food and went to see all the pretty lights in Times Square (they move and change colors). If you've never been in the Marquis Marriott there I recommend it. You can take the elevators up to the ninth floor and look out the windows and see all the stupid tourists who don't realize that using the flash to take pictures of pretty lights (they change colors!) at night is stupid. You can also see the lights and traffic and bicyclists and the tops of tour busses. And yes, clearly I don't get out enough; I find the same commercials that are dumb on TV immensely cool when they're on huge screens on the sides of buildings.

Right, so having had my monthly dose of sensory overload, tomorrow I go home for the remainder of the weekend. Hooray...